We're celebrating the unique qualities and environmental benefits of our lavender scented soap. First launched in 1978, lavender was our first ever bar soap scent, and subsequently also added to our castile liquid soap range. Since 2017, the pure, natural, and organic blend of Lavandin and Lavender oils used in our products is sourced from Distillerie Bleu Provence in Provence, France, who use bee conscious technology for a more sustainable future.

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Opinion piece from Sea Shepherd: In 2023, what Sea Shepherd documented in Antarctica shocked the world. We thought the whales of the Southern Ocean were safe. We were wrong.Our ship, the Allankay, shone a spotlight on the krill fishing fleets that are destroying Antarctica’s fragile ecosystem. These enormous supertrawlers are taking huge amounts of krill from the otherwise pristine Antarctic waters.
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Every two months Dr. Bronner's chooses an organisation we align with to donate proceeds from the first 100 sales of our Deluxe Sample Packs. For February and March, we're supporting Orange Sky - a not-for-profit orgnisation providing free mobile laundry and shower services for people experiencing homelessness.
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