Dr. Bronner’s supports an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Dr. Bronner’s supports an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. We believe an official representative body that gives First Nations people a say in laws and policies that affect them is an important step towards dismantling oppressive systems and achieving First Nations justice. We recognise that an enshrined First Nations Voice in the Australian constitution is not a definitive solution, but rather, we see it as a pathway towards treaty and equity for First Nations people.

We resonate with the following words from our friends at Clothing the Gaps and have found their list of educational resources useful leading up to the Referendum on October 14th. We hope you do too. An informed vote is the best vote.

The following words have been taken with permission from a blog published on the Clothing the Gaps website on 26 June 2023. To view the original post, click here

Voice. Treaty. Truth - Learn more

‘Voice. Treaty. Truth’ are words you’ll be seeing and hearing more of in the coming months and are three important conversations this country must engage in.

It has been confirmed as a nation will be asked to vote in a referendum about ‘Voice’ on Sat 14th October.

In a referendum, everyone over the age of 18 and enrolled to vote will be asked to go to the polling booths. We will be asked a question, and we will need to vote either ‘Yes’ or ‘No’.

When it comes to the Voice referendum, the question being asked is:

“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.
Do you approve this proposed alteration?”

Essentially we’ll be asked whether we support changing the constitution to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people through the establishment of a voice to inform government and parliamentary decisions.

As always, we encourage you to educate yourself and wear your values.

There are a lot of great resources around to learn more about Voice, Treaty and Truth.

These below resources are a great place to start, but it is not an exhaustive list.


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